This study examined Audience Perception of Female Model in Advertising Message With Reference To Lux Soap Television Advertisement as a case study. Three research questions were proposed to guide the study and they are: What is the effect of the use of female model on television advertisement? How do audiences perceive the use of female model in Lux Soap? What is the extent to which female model can influence consumer to make buying decision? The Survey research design was adopted for the study, with the use of 16 item questionnaire distributed to 150 respondents in Enugu metropolis. Data was drawn through random sampling technique of non-probability. Data generated were presented with frequency tables and analyzed with the aid of simple percentages. The study found as follows;
the effect of the use of female model on television advertisement is attract customers or potential customer
effect of the use women/females in advertisements is to influence consumers to buy the product been advertised the effect of the use of female model on television advertisement is increase in the sale and promotion of a brand or product
that audience perceive the use of female model in LUX Soap television advertisement as sex idol
that female models in advertisement influences consumers to the extent of influencing customers’ patronage of the product being advertised
the respondent like the female model used in the advertisement of LUX soap
Based on the findings of the study the researcher recommended that; Advertisers should de-emphasize heavy use of attractive models. This is to avoid distracting the attention of prospects from the product. Emphasis should be on moderate and naturally looking models. Attractive female models should be sparingly used in advertisement that features masculine products. This is to ensure that the attention of the target consumers will be on the product, not on the model. There is great need for improvement in quality of advertising copy to change the present trend of making the models much more conspicuous than the product advertised. The copy should be such that the advertised product should be very bold and better imbued graphically than the models. The use of other types of endorsement should be explored by advertising agencies rather than constant use of beautiful and attractive models. Finally. Constant research should be carried out to keep up with changes in consumer needs. With new emphasis on what consumers want from the product, effective marketing and product promotion, a turnaround can be expected.